The Community is vibrant in Bridlington – good news for the men of Bridlington
The National Lottery Community Funds have awarded money to Brid Men in Sheds. The funding will support the existing project and create a new Co-ordinator role.
Bridlington Men in Sheds have been open since 2017 and now with this funding they are able to fulfil their exciting 5-year plans. There are currently 40 members who value the friendship and activities offered within the Shed on Beck Hill. Men go along to the Shed to socialise, relax and learn or pass on skills. The funding will help with internal building improvements, workshop supplies and tools and office equipment, furniture and running costs. Excitingly, the Men in Sheds will also be able to employ a part-time Co-ordinator. The Co-ordinator will seek to encourage more men to the Shed and help the Committee with the running of the Shed.
If you would like to find out more about Men in Sheds in Bridlington, please email
Dave Bulmer, Treasurer,said,“Brid Men in Sheds has been around for a few years and is delighted to have been awarded £98,746 so that we can be around for much longer! We want to encourage more men to come along and feel included in the community. We will be improving the Shed and employing a Co-ordinator to support our work. we would like to thank the National Lottery Community Fund and the people who play the Lottery. This funding will make a difference to local men”.
The Brid Men in Sheds Team with Linda from the National Lottery.
The Shed is a registered charity and is located at 10 Palace Avenue, Beck Hill, Bridlington.